Nika White: Page 2

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® Contributor
President & CEO

Dr. Nika White is a national authority and fearless advocate for diversity, equity and inclusion. As an award-winning management and leadership consultant, keynote speaker, published author and executive practitioner for DEI efforts across business, government, non-profit and education.

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Thought Leaders

5 Reasons Why Entrepreneurs Are Privileged

As a Black woman entrepreneur, I've managed to run a successful diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) consultancy for the past six years. But despite the years I dedicated to my entrepreneurial journey, I still benefited from a level of privilege that many don't share when it comes to entrepreneurship.


Why Paying Women An Equal Wage Helps — Not Hurts — Your Business

Just 82 cents. That's what the average woman makes for every $1 earned by a man in the United States in 2022. It's a shocking but not surprising statistic, as women have been given increasingly more responsibilities and influence in the business world but have never received the same compensation.


5 Qualities of Black Excellence Overlooked in the Workplace

Now is the time for conventional, white and eurocentric workplaces to finally recognize the unique qualities that come from Black culture and lift up employees who exemplify these qualities.


The 3 C's That Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Can Teach Us Today To Advance Workplace Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

What can Martin Luther King Jr. teach us today — even in the face of resistance? Entrepreneurs can use what I call the "three C's" — guiding principles Dr. King lived by which can assist us in our work toward diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI).


6 Ways You Could Be Committing 'Time Theft' Against Your Minority Employees

The traditional definition of time theft is related to the modern "quiet quitting" movement in that it puts the focus of bad behavior on employees who "steal" time from businesses. But have you considered the myriad of ways employers steal time from employees?


Kanye West's Ugly Brand Breakups Expose Risks of Partnering With Public Figures. Don't Overlook These DEI Red Flags to Avoid The Same Fate.

If the idea of working with a public figure triggers a gut check with members of your team because of the person's past comments and actions, reconsider whether you want your brand to be connected to that person.